2024 NEWS

The NYS Association of Fire Chaplains
held their Annual Memorial Service and Dinner at the Firefighters Home on May
21, 2024. The evening’s program also
included the Dedication of a Quilt titled “The Sacred Chore”. The Quilt was started back in 2017 to
celebrate the Association’s 50th Year of existence. Chief Chaplain Thomas With worked with
Quilter, Chaplain Caroline Higgins, to install the Quilt on the front wall of
the Home’s Chapel.Newly installed Chief Chaplain
Richard Bolster had asked Past Chief Chaplain Thomas With to lead the
Dedication event. Unfortunately, the Quilter Chaplain Caroline Higgins could
not make the Dedication. A Dedication Prayer by Association Treasurer David
Quinn was read, after the presentation by Past Chief Chaplain Thomas With.
The following presentation was given
by Past Chief Chaplain Thomas With:
“The Dedication of “A Sacred Chore” quilt,
is a joyous occasion for us all. For me, it culminates the last six years of
leadership with the NYS Association of Fire Chaplains.
I had a fantastic time working on the
location for this Quilt and those who helped us along the way. Home
Administrator Keith Henchey and Jane Redding started the ball rolling as we
walked around the Home searching for that ideal location to hang the Quilt.
Once we decided on the location, we took measurements and prepared for the
I made a few trips to this Chapel and
each time I left, I felt I was getting closer to a Quilt that our Association
would be proud of, displayed with reverence and honor along with the creativity
of the Quilter Chaplain Caroline Higgins, Chaplain of the Blauvelt Volunteer Fire
Staff Members Scottie Bennett and Tom
McCullough, were part of the installation team adding to the success of this
project. After the final locking screw was tightened, and we all stopped to
view the quilt hanging by itself, Caroline lit up with a large smile and words
of thanks to Keith, Scottie, Tom, and myself.
Wow, it was a great feeling for all of us!
As a Home Member said to me later on,
“That’s a beautiful quilt, I hope it will stay hanging in this Chapel, it has
special meaning”.
Thank you Keith, Jane, Scottie, Tom
for working with us and allowing us to display this quilt in the Chapel of the
Firefighters Home.”
Submitted by,
With Past Chief Chaplain 2022 - 2024

2023 NEWS
Annual Conference of May 21-24, 2023
More photos and Conference Summary in process!
Page 10, Fire News, November 2023 FireNews.com
New York State Association of Fire Chaplains, Inc.
2023 Chaplains Training Conference May 21 - May 24, 2023

The NYSAFC held their Annual Training
Conference at the New York State Frederick L. Warder Fire Science Academy, in
Montour Falls NY on May 21, 2013 to May 24. It was an informative conference
with training from the NYS Office of Mental Health and DHSES New York State
Emergency Management.
Registration was at the Academy. After dinner an Executive Board
Meeting was conducted with chaplains’ training and refresher at Fire Academy
Auditorium. Later on, members did some catching up with everyone at the Fire Academy
On Monday, our day begin with a short welcome to everyone by
Chief Chaplain Thomas With. Garra Lloyd-Lester, from the NYS Office of Mental
Health, Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response, did a presentation on
“The Role of the NYS Association of Fire Chaplains and Social Connectedness.”
Our Annual Memorial Service was hosted by the Odessa Wesleyan Church, followed
by our annual dinner at the Glenora Winery Veraisons Restaurant.
Our annual meeting of the association was held on Tuesday
morning in the auditorium of the academy, with elections and swearing in of new
officers. After lunch there was a trip by the chaplains and spouses to the
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning NY.
We concluded our conference on Wednesday morning with training
on “The Role of ESF - 5: Information and Planning,” by Josh Hotaling, of the
DHSES, NYS Office of Emergency Management, Planning Section, followed by lunch
at the academy.
If you do not have a chaplain within your fire department and
would like to establish one, please contact me by email or on the website of
nysafc.org or Executive Secretary William Miles! Interested in joining the
Association? Please contact me or Executive Secretary William Miles at:
Submitted by Chief Chaplain Thomas With
2022 EVENT
2022 NEWS
Annual Conference of July 17
– 20, 2022
The NYSAFC held their Annual Training
Conference July 17-20, 2022, at the Comfort
Inn & Suites, East Greenbush, NY. It was an informative Conference with
Training from the Four Chaplains Foundation, NYS Office of Mental Health, and Department
of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Fire Prevention and
Control. The theme of the 2022 Conference was the “Four Chaplains”.
We had Chaplain Refresher Training, by Rev.
Gary Holden, Senior Chaplain of the Four Chaplains Foundation did a day long
presentation on “Introduction to being a
Fire Chaplain”. We had Steven
Moskowitz, MSW, NYS Office of Mental Health, with subjects on “Psychological First Aid – Responding to
extreme stress”, a review of “NYS
Project Hope”, and, “NYS Disasters
& Mental Health Response”.
Steven is the Director, Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response.
On Tuesday evening, we held our Annual Memorial
Service at the Fuller Road Fire Dept. Firehouse in Colonie, followed by our
Annual Dinner. The Conference theme was based
on the Four Chaplains and how our Association of Fire Chaplains had their
humble beginnings. Please go to our
Association’s website of NYSAFC.org for more historical information on the Four
Chaplains. Also, please visit the Four
Chaplains Memorial Foundation website at fourchaplains.org, to read on how the
Four Chaplains legacy is continued every day.
We concluded our Conference with training
on “Cancer in the NYS Fire Service”,
by Fire Protection Specialist Timothy Graves, DHSES, Office of Fire Prevention
& Control.
If you do not have a Chaplain within
your Fire Dept. and would like to establish one, please contact myself and
my email address is on the website of nysafc.org OR Executive Secretary William
Interested at joining the Association?
Please contact myself or Executive Secretary William Miles at: nysafc@gmail.com
Submitted by Chief Chaplain Thomas With
Group photo after Annual Dinner of
attending Chaplains and their Spouses.
Chief Chaplain Thomas With and Father Donald
Rutherford, Major General (Chief Chaplain) Retired, of the US Army Chaplains,
at Memorial Service table.
Identical Plaques presented to Four
Chaplains Foundation Chaplain Rev. Gary Holden and to Senior Minister Lynn C.
Bodden, 1st Reformed Church of Schenectady, NY.
2022-2024 Association Officers: (LtoR)
Treasurer David Quinn (Stuyvesant NY), 2nd Dep. Chief Chaplain Joseph McCarthy
(Southold NY), Chief Chaplain Thomas With (Colonie NY), 1st Dep.
Chief Chaplain Richard Bolster (Malone NY), and, Executive Secretary William
Miles (Tonawanda NY).
2022 NEWS
2nd Deputy Chief Chaplain Joseph P. McCarthy shares this news…
Sunday Evening June 12th, the NYSAFC was well represented at the Firematic Service of Suffolk County ExChief Edward Tully Jr.
Pictured from left to right are Chaplains Bruce Daley, Michael Barry, Frank Trotta, Thomas Flud, 2nd Deputy Chief Chaplain Joe McCarthy, and Chuck Brady. Thanks to the Long Island Chaplains for traveling and representing.
2nd Deputy Chief Chaplain Joseph P. McCarthy shares this news…
On Wednesday, 5/11/22, one of the most significant events in the Fire Service occurred on Long Island. Our Brother Chaplain Frank C. Trotta Jr., Proprietor of the #1 Fire Publication in the USA, FIRE NEWS, created, sponsored, and funded, an incredibly important event. Five Major Firefighter and LODD Firefighter Family Support Organizations (Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund, Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Foundation, The Ray Pfeifer Foundation, Firefighter Cancer Support Network – NY Chapter, and FealGood Foundation) were recognized, honored, and granted $10,000 checks to aid and assist their chosen Missions. This $50,000 granting of funds was accumulated by FIRE NEWS specifically from their 9/11 Edition, which is surely a keepsake.
The NYSAFC Members participating in this event were the Facilitator and owner of FIRE NEWS, Frank Trotta Jr., Chaplain and Chief of the Nassau County Fire Police Association Bill Gruener, Reverend Doctor and Brother Chaplain John Fleischman, and NYSAFC 2nd Deputy Chief Chaplain Joe McCarthy.
Chaplain Gruener offered a Prayer, Chaplain McCarthy offered the Invocation, and Chaplain Fleischman offered the Benediction, while Chaplain Frank Trotta Coordinated, Funded, and Celebrated the entire event. Thanks also to the South Country Ambulance Company for hosting this important event.
May the Good Lord Bless all of us in Fire and EMS, and all Supporting Organizations, especially our Fire Chaplains.
[Pictured, left to right, are: 2nd Deputy Chief Chaplain Joseph McCarthy, Rev. Dr. John Fleischman, Suffolk County Emergency Services C.I.S.M. Team Coordinator Ellen Komosinski, and Suffolk County F.R.E.S. Commissioner Patrick Beckley]
[Pictured, left to right, are: FDNY Member, FDNY Rescue 1 William Ryan, FDNY Chief (Ret.) Joe DiBernardo Sr., and FDNY Rescue 3 Lt. (Ret.) Gerard Murtha]
(Pictured is FDNY Chief of Department (Ret.) Chief Thomas Richardson