I am sending you pictures of the Remembrance Service that
I presided on Monday, 9/11/2017 at the Kirkville Fire Company, Kirkville
We held our Remembrance Service inside the firetruck bays
at the Kirkville Fire Station.
I gathered our members in a circle around the flag of the United
States and our bell. Each member wore his
"turnout jacket" which has a flashlight attached
to the front of the jacket. We all turned "on" our flashlights
and we
turned lights out in the fire station.
Each firefighter read the names of deceased firefighters FDNY
Manhattan 5-5-8087 World Trade Center
As each Kirkville firefighter finished reading, he "turned-off"
his flashlight. When all members were finished reading,
the room was in "total darkness"
I finished the service with prayer.
It was a very touching service especially as the room became
darker and darker.
Respectfully submitted,
Chaplain Bruce Foster
Kirkville Fire Company
Kirkville NY

Kirkville Volunteer Fire Company
left to right: FF Alex Manchester, FF Jeff Bloss, FF
Chad Relyea
Deputy Chief Shawn Foster, Deputy Chief Jeff
Captain Tom Hart, FF Ed Visser, FF Thomas Leo
FF George Steinberger
